Macro is an expression in recurring task field that is evaluated during Jira issue creation e.g. {{now.jqlDate}} string is replaced with current date: '2018-10-15'
Macros can be applied multiple times in the same text field and once in a date or date time field type.
Jira Automation smart values are supported
To make a date macro evaluating in Description field you need to omit its braces and store the macro text in the “Code” style. See details...
Macros can be applied for the following field types
Smart values from Jira Automation
Following Automation smart values are supported
Smart value |
{{now}} |
{{now.jiraDate}} |
{{now.jiraDateTime}} |
{{now.jqlDate}} |
{{now.jqlDateTime}} |
{{now.shortDate}} |
{{now.shortTime}} |
{{now.shortDateTime}} |
{{now.mediumDate}} |
{{now.mediumTime}} |
{{now.mediumDateTime}} |
{{now.longDate}} |
{{now.longTime}} |
{{now.longDateTime}} |
{{now.fullDate}} |
{{now.fullTime}} |
{{now.fullDateTime}} |
{{now.format(...)}} |
{{now.plusMinutes(...)}} |
{{now.plusHours(...)}} |
{{now.plusDays(...)}} |
{{now.plusBusinessDays(…)}} |
{{now.plusWeeks(...)}} |
{{now.plusMonths(...)}} |
{{now.plusYears(...)}} |
{{now.minusMinutes(...)}} |
{{now.minusHours(...)}} |
{{now.minusDays(...)}} |
{{now.minusBusinessDays(…)}} |
{{now.minusWeeks(...)}} |
{{now.minusMonths(...)}} |
{{now.minusYears(...)}} |
{{now.endOfMonth}} |
{{now.startOfMonth}} |
{{now.firstOfTheMonth(…)}} |
{{now.lastOfTheMonth(…)}} |
{{now.withDayOfMonth(…)}} |
{{now.withMonthOfYear(…)}} |
{{now.withNextDayOfWeek(…)}} |
{{now.toBusinessDay}} |
{{now.toBusinessDayBackwards}} |
{{now.ofTheMonth(…)}} |
Smart values usage examples:
Macro expression | Result | Description |
{{now.lastOfTheMonth(5)}} | 2021-06-25 | the last Friday of the month |
{{now.format("YYYY")}}-12-31 | 2022-12-31 | the last day of the current year |
{{now.endOfMonth.withNextDayOfWeek("TUE")}} | 2022-09-06 | the first Tuesday of the next month |
{{now.endOfMonth.plusDays(1).lastOfTheMonth(2)}} | 2022-09-27 | the last Tuesday of the next month |
{{now.format("Q")}} | 1 - the number between 1-4 | the quarter number |
{{now.format("Qo")}} | 1st 2nd 3rd 4th | the quarter name |
{{now.withDayOfMonth(25).withMonthOfYear(6)}} | 2023-06-25 | fixed day of the month and month of the year |
{{now.ofTheMonth(2, 5)}} | 2023-07-14 | the second Friday of the month |
{{now.format("ww")}} | 16 | Number of week, assuming today is 12.04.2021 and week begins at Sunday |
{{now.format("WW")}} | 15 | Number of week, assuming today is 12.04.2021 and week begins at Monday |
{{now.startOfMonth.toBusinessDay}} | 2023-12-01 | the first business day of the month |
{{now.startOfMonth.toBusinessDay.plusBusinessDays(19)}} | 2023-12-28 | 20th business day of the month, holidays not taken into account |
Date and Datetime macros
Date macros
{currentdate} - use this macro to insert current date when Jira issue is created, adding/subtracting days is supported (see examples below)
{{nowDate}} - use this macro when more sophisticated date manipulation is required e.g. set the last day of month, add months, weeks, days (see examples below)
Examples of usage (assuming that today is 2018-10-15):
Macro expression | Result | Description |
{currentdate} DEPRECATED Use {{now.jqlDate}} instead. | 2018-10-15 | it evaluates to current date |
{currentdate+1} DEPRECATED Use {{now.plusDays(1).jqlDate}} instead. | 2018-10-16 | 1 day is added to current date |
{currentdate-1} DEPRECATED Use {{now.minusDays(1).jqlDate}} instead. | 2018-10-14 | 1 day is subtracted from current date |
{{nowDate}} | 2018-10-15 | the same result as {{now.jqlDate}} |
{{nowDate 'lastDayOfMonth'}} | 2018-10-31 | it returns date of the last day of the month |
{{nowDate 'tz' 'America/New_York'}} | 2018-10-15 | current date in New York |
{{nowDate 'locale' 'es' 'format' 'MMMM'}} | octubre | October month name in Spanish |
{{nowDate 'add' '1M'}} | 2018-11-15 | 1 month is added to current date |
{{nowDate 'add' '2w 3d'}} | 2018-11-01 | 2 week and 3 days added to current date |
{{nowDate 'subtract' '1M'}} | 2018-09-15 | 1 month is subtracted from current date |
{{nowDate 'subtract' '2w 3d'}} | 2018-09-28 | 2 week and 3 days subtracted from current date |
{{nowDate 'format' 'ww'}} | 16 | Number of week, assuming today is 12.04.2021 and week begins at Sunday |
{{nowDate 'format' 'WW'}} | 15 | Number of week, assuming today is 12.04.2021 and week begins at Monday |
Datetime macros
{currentdatetime} - use this macro to insert current date and time when Jira issue is created, adding/subtracting days is supported (see examples below)
{{nowDateTime}} - use this macro when more sophisticated date manipulation is required e.g. set the last day of month, add hours, minutes (see examples below)
Examples of usage (assuming that today is 2018-10-15 13:00):
Macro expression | Result | Description |
{currentdatetime} DEPRECATED Use {{now}} instead. | 2018-10-15T13:00:00.000 | it evaluates to current date |
{currentdatetime+1} DEPRECATED Use {{now.plusDays(1)}} instead | 2018-10-16T13:00:00.000 | 1 day is added to current date |
{currentdatetime-1} DEPRECATED Use {{now.minusDays(1)}} instead | 2018-10-14T13:00:00.000 | 1 day is subtracted from current date |
{{nowDateTime}} | 2018-10-15T13:00:00.000 | the same result as {{now}} |
{{nowDateTime 'lastDayOfMonth'}} | 2018-10-31T13:00:00.000 | date and time of the last day of the month |
{{nowDateTime 'tz' 'America/New_York'}} | 2018-10-15T13:00:00.000-0400 | current date time in New York |
{{nowDateTime 'locale' 'br' 'format' 'MMMM'}} | Here | October month name in Portuguese |
{{nowDateTime 'add' '8h'}} | 2018-10-15T21:00:00.000 | 8 hours added |
{{nowDateTime 'subtract' '8h'}} | 2018-10-15T05:00:00.000 | 8 hours subtracted |
{{nowDateTime 'lastDayOfMonth' 'add' '8h'}} | 2018-10-31T21:00:00.000 | 'lastDayOfMonth' and 'add' functions combined |
{{nowDateTime 'hour' 17}} | 2018-10-15T17:00:00.000 | set hour to 17 |
{{nowDateTime 'lastDayOfMonth' 'hour' 16}} | 2018-10-31T16:00:00.000 | 'lastDayOfMonth' and 'hour' functions combined |
All described macros can be used in Text fields.
{{nowDate}}, {{nowDateTime}} macros have functions helping to format an output e.g.:
Macro expression | Result | Description |
{{nowDate 'format' 'DD.MM.YYYY'}} | 15.10.2018 | |
{{nowDate 'format' 'MMMM'}} | October | |
{{nowDateTime 'format' 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm'}} | 15.10.2018 13:00 | |
{{nowDateTime 'lastDayOfMonth' 'format' 'DD MMMM'}} | 31 October | 'lastDayOfMonth' and 'format' functions are combined |
If you have any question please raise support request at our service portal. We are happy to help!