Supported field types in Recurring Task
Supported field types in Recurring Task
Supported field types
Following field types are currently supported (system and custom) in recurring task definition:
- Account from Tempo app
- Checkboxes
- Components
- Date Picker (including {currentdate} macro)
- Date Time Picker (including {currentdatetime} macro)
- Epic Link
- Group Picker (multiple groups)
- Group Picker (single group)
- Issue Links
- Issue Status e.g create new issue with initial "In Progress" status
- Labels
- Number
- "Organizations" from Jira Service Management (aka JSD)
- Parent
- Priority
- Project
- Radio Buttons
- "Request participants" from Jira Service Management (aka JSD)
- Security Level
- Select List (cascading)
- Select List (multiple choices)
- Select List (single choice)
- Sprint
- Story Points
- Text Field (multi-line) e.g. Description
- Text Field (read only)
- Text Field (single line) e.g. Summary
- Time Tracking ("Remaining Estimate" and "Original Estimate")
- User Picker (multiple users) e.g. "Notify To"
- User Picker (single user) e.g. Assignee
- Version Picker (Fix Versions, Affects Versions)