How cron expressions are evaluated
How cron expressions are evaluated
Cron Expression format
Cron expression has the following five fields format:
<Minutes 0-59> <Hours 0-23> <Day of Month 1-31> <Months 0-11> <Day of Week 0-6>
- "Months" field accepts aliases: JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC
- "Day of Week" field accepts aliases: SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT
- '*' wildcard can be used as a field value.
Examples to run task
- Every Friday at 18:00 type: '0 18 * * 5'
- From Monday to Friday at 18:00 type: '0 18 * * MON-FRI'
- On Tuesday and Thursday at 18:00 type: '0 18 * * TUE,THU'
- Every first day of month at 18:00 type: '0 18 1 * *'
Details and support
Your cron task might be scheduled up to 30 minutes difference.
<Minutes> field is currently is ignored and tasks are run every half and full hour.
If something is bothering you please report an issue or send support request to support@gebsun.com
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