I prepared the field configuration and assigned it to the project but the app does not seem to work.
Make sure you are familiar with Limitations of the application.
Open the JavaScript Console in your web browser and check if there are any errors or warnings related to the problem.
Find messages starting with “DefaultValuesApp:” .
Collect all message and attach them to your support request.It is possible that some installed app conflicts with our app e.g. “Behaviours - ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud”.
Please send us a HAR file to support@bigfigtree.com, so we can check if this is the case.
Use the following steps to catch a HAR file:
open the Jira page
open developer tools on the page e.g. Chrome DevTools
reload the Jira page
click “Create” button in Jira top menu to open Create issue dialog
download the HAR file